My Work: Doodlezwerg

Engineers serialize system designs as code to be compiled, deployed to machines and interpreted by a single interpreter.

Artists serialize ideas and thought patterns as images, to be compiled and deployed by their hands to paper or other media, to be interpreted by as many different interpreters as there are individual human minds.

My attempt at serializing my thought patterns materialized small, energetic synaptic creatures I call doodlezwerg.

In a world bound by the constraints of gender and societal norms, the doodlezwerg invite you to explore their realm of unrestrained innocence and playfulness. These creatures exist beyond the confines of the physical world, defying gravity with weightless grace. They embody a pure and untarnished form of play, a celebration of human connection stripped of any sexual overtones that allows them to touch one another with affection, and revel in the simple pleasure of companionship. With this work I want to remind the viewer of the purity of human connection, where touch is a gesture of affection, play is a universal language, and love is a boundless force that transcends the boundaries of sex and sexuality.

More doodlezwerg drawings can be seen under Drawings.

“Evolution”, 2018
pen & ink & alcohol marker on paper
pluma, tinta y marcador de alcohol sobre papel